Sabrina O’Malone is the President of Working
Mom ™ Enterprises and has appeared on the
nationally televised Mrs. America Pageant as Mrs. New Jersey.
During her reign she selected “Revitalizing the Working
Mom” as her platform and was the first to bring a nationwide
spotlight to the working mom.
Mom ™ was established as a result of the
overwhelming response to this subject. For the 36 million
working mothers in America, encouragement and resources were
hard to find before Working
Mom ™. In it’s first three months
online, the Working
Mom ™ website: received
over 155,000 hits…just by word of mouth! This outpouring
of interest fueled O’Malone’s passion to equip
working mothers to be successful at home and at work.
Sabrina O’Malone has first hand knowledge
of what is required to accomplish both. She is the mother
of three young children herself, and spent over 10 years working
full-time as a pharmaceutical sales representative. She has
built a successful career in marketing since graduation from
Rutgers University in 1991. O’Malone earned a reputation
for delivering engaging presentations to Fortune 500 companies
as a marketing representative for a leading insurance company.
With unparalleled communication skills, subject knowledge
and charisma, she is has a proven track record of connecting
with an audience.
The timeliness of the topic and Sabrina’s
subject knowledge generates excitement about the book Prayers
for the Working Mom: 7 Secrets to Phenomenal Success. Sabrina
O’Malone’s experience with television, radio,
magazine, newspaper and web-cast interviews will make her
one of the most captivating authors interviewed this year.